Bad Science

Bad Science
Not All Research is Valid--Even When Published & Widely Reported
Not All Research is Valid--Even When Published & Widely Reported

Below we have summarized or linked to research information that has made recent news, but has been found to be flawed. Unfortunately, the general public usually only sees the headlines. We are, therefore, supplying "the rest of the story....."

Many may have read the recent Vitamin E scare reports. Unfortunately, a badly-designed statistical study was reported in the press. If you are concerned & would like to get correct information about vitamin E, contact us. We recommend mixed tocopherols with tocotrienols, if you are supplementing. Avoid any product that is in the "dl" form, as this is synthetic. Sadly, the erroneous and misleading design of the reported study has led many to abandon supplementation with the natural form of Vitamin E.

Lest you believe that pharmaceutical drugs and/or surgery are always your answer to every malady.....
click here to read a summary of Death by Medicine.

Doctors have warned us that sunshine is dangerous, even cancer producing. Read more about how REAL studies show this to be a myth (probably even the opposite of the truth) by clicking here. Obsession with slathering on sunscreen products has led to vitamin D deficiency in young and old alike, so we can look forward to even more osteoporosis.

How about the studies that supposedly showed saturated fat intake was associated with breast cancer. Another fallacy you can read about by clicking here.

Scroll down to read about other research debacles.....
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